How Does Website Maintenance Differ From Website Management?

Website maintenance icon on white keyboard button

For your website to remain appealing and current, website management and website maintenance are essential. Without frequent and timely website management and maintenance, your website devolves into a static brochure, which is an injustice to your business growth and dynamic nature.

The website is a low-cost, electronic customer service representative that must be informative and current so that your customers can be the informed, strategic partners that you want.

Continue reading to learn how website management differs from website maintenance and why both are critical for your business.

Difference Between Website Maintenance And Website Management

Website Maintenance: What Is It?

Website maintenance is the act of checking your website regularly for problems and errors, as well as keeping it up-to-date and relevant. This must be conducted regularly to keep your website in good condition, encourage continued traffic growth, and improve your SEO and Google rankings.

Businesses of all sizes must keep their websites up-to-date and appealing to engage and retain customers. It is easy to overlook website maintenance because it only sometimes presents immediate issues. However, just as a vehicle can deteriorate if you don't get regular checkups, so can your website if you don't monitor it regularly.

Website Maintenance: Why Is It Important?

Website maintenance is critical for any business, regardless of its size. Your website is a window into your company, and it can significantly impact how people perceive the value of your product or service. A well-maintained website is essential for a variety of reasons, including:

Search Engines

Website maintenance is crucial for Search Engine rankings. Websites with outdated content rank lower in search results as search crawlers can tell you don't update your website regularly.

Some search engines, such as Google, use the "if-modified-since" HTTP header to determine whether your page is worth crawling. Failure to make frequent changes may cause you to be pushed below active competitors in the listings, costing your company customers and money over time.

Search Engine Optimization concept

Customers' Interests

A well-designed, well-maintained website will attract new customers and maintain interest levels in existing customers. It should be customer-focused and kept relevant by regularly updating its content relevant and contact information up to date.

Incorrect information could cause a customer to give up on your business and go to your competitor. Be sure to check your contact forms, address listings, phone numbers regularly, your products, services, and price lists.

Image of the Company

Creating a well-designed, professional website has become easier and easier with the click of a button, but there is an expectation for websites to look professional at all times. The customer will often go elsewhere if your website doesn't live up to its promise of professionalism.

Security is Improved by Website Maintenance

U.S. companies lose $15.4 million to cyber attacks each year. Repairing the damage from cyberattacks can be very expensive, plus you may lose customers who do not trust your company with their personal information. By maintaining your security systems regularly, you can protect your website from cyber threats.

Website Management: What Is It?

Website management consists of a set of processes used to make sure your website is functioning as intended, professional, and up-to-date. General maintenance, security, and long-term website development, as well as managing your content delivery and marketing strategy, are all included in this category.

In its most basic form, website management consists of the following tasks:

  • Implementing design updates

  • Performing maintenance

  • Guaranteeing website security

  • Providing web support to customers and staff

  • Implementing marketing strategies

  • Planning and delivering content updates

  • Ensuring content can be reused in various contexts

  • Achieving a consistent user experience across channels

  • Planning for future growth in both domestic and international markets

Why Is Website Management Important?

There are many compelling reasons why website management is important.

Evolution is Necessary for Websites

Successful businesses constantly make changes, create, and distribute new content on their websites. Web pages aren't static, they're constantly being updated and evolved. Without proper website management, these processes can quickly become complicated, challenging, and expensive.

Errors and Downtime are Costly

Your website will suffer as a result of poor management. It's as simple as that. It will soon catch up with you if you don't maintain things in order. The cost of identifying and fixing problems is high, and serious issues can result in your website going down, which is a disaster for any business, especially those with a strong presence in e-commerce.

Efficiency is a Cost-Effective Strategy

One of the primary benefits of digital technology is the efficiency with which it performs critical business processes. It can save businesses a significant amount of money and time. Website management technologies and techniques aid in cost reduction by simplifying critical processes and enabling more efficient collaboration and work practices.

Get Ready for Future Growth

The decisions you make today will have an impact on how your company grows in the future. Implementing effective website management tools and practices now is the best way to ensure your business is ready to scale in the future.

At Radically Distinct, our brand-building methodologies differentiate your brand and simplify your message so that your communication is more productive, and your results more impactful.

If you would like to discuss ways we can elevate your marketing, contact us.

Jenn Morgan